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First Last Presentation Title Track File
Jordan Rader Development of Multi-Purpose Dynamic Nuclear Thermal Rocket System Models Track 2: Nuclear Fission Power and Propulsion
Wesley Deason Pylon โ€“ Scalable Power for the Emerging Space Economy Track 2: Nuclear Fission Power and Propulsion
Josh Collins Sunpower Robust Stirling Convertor Phase II and Phase III Overview Track 1: Radioisotopes and Power Conversion Systems
Glenn Romanoski Pyrolytic Graphite - An Enabling Material for Radioisotope Power Systems Track 1: Radioisotopes and Power Conversion Systems
Avery Grieve Neutronic Design and Characterisation of HALEU Fuelled Reactor for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Track 2: Nuclear Fission Power and Propulsion
Jon Neuhoff DOE Isotope Program: R&D and Production of Isotopes for Space Applications Track 3: Mission Concepts and Policy for Nuclear Space Systems
Christopher Barth Optimization and Design of 1 kW Stirling Controller using Capacitor-based Power Factor Correction Track 1: Radioisotopes and Power Conversion Systems
Joshua Rhodes Mitigation of Tl-208 Gamma Dose from Pu-236 Decay Chain via Chemical Removal of U-232 and Th-228 Track 1: Radioisotopes and Power Conversion Systems
Gerald Jackson Antimatter-Based Propulsion for Exoplanet Exploration Track 4: Advanced and Emerging Technologies for Nuclear Space Applications
Emory Colvin Optimization of Pu-238 Production in the Advanced Test Reactor Track 1: Radioisotopes and Power Conversion Systems
Tyler Steiner Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer Solution Method Investigation Track 2: Nuclear Fission Power and Propulsion
Tyler Steiner In-Pile Steady State Extreme Temperature Experiment (INSET) Track 2: Nuclear Fission Power and Propulsion
Joseph Sholtis Safeguards And Proliferations Protections (SAPPs): A Way to Protect & Defend U.S. HEU-Fueled Space Power & Propulsion Reactors Track 3: Mission Concepts and Policy for Nuclear Space Systems
Corey Smith Core Loading Pattern Optimization using Nodal Diffusion and a Simulated Annealing Optimization Algorithm Track 2: Nuclear Fission Power and Propulsion
Young Lee mission concept considerations for Ocean world exploration using RPS inside a pressure vessel Track 1: Radioisotopes and Power Conversion Systems
Gyutae Park Increasing CERMET Fuel Thermal Margin with Thoria for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Track 2: Nuclear Fission Power and Propulsion
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